The ftlog Support Forum;;
The official support forum for users and forum owners.
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 The ftlog Support ForumThe official support forum for users and forum owners.-1 
 News And AnnouncementsLittle snippets of information crop up here.-7 
 General DiscussionThis if for general topics not covered by the other categories. If you are posting a new topic make sure it does not belong in one of the other sections.-2755 
 Newbies ZoneNew User? Think you have a stupidly obvious question? Post it here!-921 
User Support
 Web Forum (WUS)ALL questions related to the web forum engine!-1199 
 Software Reader (SUS)ALL questions related to the downloadable SUS Windows offline/online forum reader.-2356 
Administration Support
 Forum OwnersTopics related to forum ownership and administration.-593 
 Setting PermissionsThe art of permission setup and restricting or allow user access.-12 
 Importing Existing DataHow to convert and import previous forum messages from another forum engine into ftlog.-5 
 CustomizationChanges to color schemes, smilies, and other words of wisdom.-542 
Bits and Pieces
 Ideas and SuggestionsGot an idea of a new feature or something that should or could be changed and improved? Let the community know!-544 
 Little ProjectsMaking your own SUS schemes, contributing to development, discussion of helping with the creation of the map graphics.-6 
 Tests and TrashFor your personal use - meaningless tests, aimless twaddle and collections of junk - every forum should have one!-3208 
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